The Zero Hour


December 2-4, 2016
Baltimore Theatre Project

Rebecca and her chronically unemployed butch girlfriend, O, have created a happy nest in their run-down walk-up in Queens, but things are starting to unravel. The more O pushes Rebecca to stop hiding their relationship, the more Rebecca's work life — writing a textbook for seventh graders about the Holocaust — begins to bleed into her personal life: she starts meeting World War II Nazis on the 7 train, passing as hipster professionals in New York City but hungry to come out about who they really are.

Back home in Queens, O is also sparring with convincingly real visions: her long estranged — and recently dead? — mother keeps showing up to argue with her about her choices. This almost-love story explores the relationship between honesty and cruelty: How do you tell the truth about yourself when that truth might devastate the people you love? A tour-de-force for two actors playing eight different roles.


Nick Fruit as the All American Nazi (Doug), Rena Marie as O, and Rebecca Tucker as Rebecca.


Assistant Directed by Panna Adorjáni. Costume Design by Ben Kress with Assistant Costume Design by Danielle Harrow^. Lighting and Set Design by Chris Flint. Properties Design by Emma Jo Shatto with Sound Design by Alex Duncker & Sean Elias^, Assistant Sound Design by Phillip Rodgers and Chris Flint with Dramaturgy by Rich Espey^. Stage Management provided by Gretchen Hylton.


"Go grab your tickets before you continue reading; you won’t want to miss it." - TheatreBloom

" ... a top-notch theatrical experience!" - MD Theatre Guide

"The Zero Hour, under the meticulous direction of Ann Turiano, is a provocative examination of relationships that is carried out by brilliant actors." - MD Theatre Guide

"Both women deserved the standing ovation on opening night. Artistic Director Sean Elias wisely chose the two women for this tour-de-force production." - DC Metro Theatre Arts

"Iron Crow’s wonderfully crafted production, helmed by Director Ann Turiano, highlights the immediate importance of this play." - TheatreBloom 

" ... hurry if you wish to see an interesting play performed by an extraordinary cast." - OUTSpoken

^ Indicates Iron Crow Theatre Resident Artist.