Iron Crow Theatre is Baltimore's queer theatre, dedicated to elevating the voices of the queer community and to supporting queer artists and allies, even as queer spaces in Baltimore continue to die. We're also on a mission to become Baltimore's next Equity theatre, helping to bridge the gap between theatres with a multi-million dollar budget and those will a multi-hundred dollar budget, offering local actors higher honorariums, providing students and early professionals much needed access to the Equity Membership Candidate program, and elevating the cultural landscape of our city by attracting some of the best talent in the region.
Thus, Iron Crow Theatre is committed to producing work of the highest artistic quality and to a rehearsal and performance process that upholds the highest standards of professionalism; modeling ourselves after Equity theatres we continue to admire greatly. We are devoted to fostering both a culture and an environment that embraces diversity and inclusion, promotes safety and well being, and allows our artists to do some of their best work here - free from harassment of any kind.
At Iron Crow Theatre you'll be challenged and inspired, recognized and fulfilled. Overall, you’ll be proud. Because however you get involved here, you’ll be part of something big. Join us and let's make history!
Effective policy is not one size fits all. As a theatre with a specific professional goal, and as a queer theatre, often engaging with thematic elements related to sex and sexuality, it’s especially important that we do everything we can to ensure that our artists feel safe and supported in their work and that the theatre is set up to achieve its' most ambitious goals. Our policies reflect our values and reaffirm our commitment to a professional and creatively rich theatrical environment, free from discrimination and harassment of any kind - in service of civility, dignity, and mutual respect.
Review our Equal Opportunity Policy
Review our Discrimination/Harassment Policy & Reporting Procedure
We know things won't always go as intended. Iron Crow Theatre’s best interest lies in ensuring fair treatment of all and making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the individual for satisfactory service in the future. That's why we've made sure to create a Concern Resolution policy, founded on accountability and transparency, with a clear and identifiable reporting process for bringing forth any violation of our policies and/or our values.
Review our Concern Resolution Policy
We’ve created a new Community Advisory Board led by Ron Legler, President of the Hippodrome Theatre at the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center to ensure Iron Crow Theatre continues to be able to serve it's community as best it can. Comprised of leadership from a diverse array of theatre organizations in Baltimore, the Community Advisory Board focuses on supporting Iron Crow Theatre as it implements its revised and enhanced policies, ensuring that Iron Crow Theatre remains a safe space for all. In addition the Community Advisory Board has been instrumental in helping us to develop an organizational handbook for all current and future volunteer staff and guest artists who work with the theatre. We will be adding partners from the local queer and theatre communities to the advisory board over the upcoming season, as we continue on in our pursuit of a stronger, safer, and more inclusive theatre environment.
We at Iron Crow Theatre want to foster community interactions online that are safe and respectful to all of our volunteers, artists, and patrons. In order to ensure this is the case, we have set the following community guidelines for our social media platforms and accounts. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email community@ironcrowtheatre.org.
We do not condone hate speech (i.e., speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic and/or national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity and/or expression).
We do not condone inflammatory speech (i.e., speech intended primarily to incite anger, verbal abuse, harassment, violence, etc).
We do not condone speech that is verbally abusive or personally attacks others, including members of our community, our volunteer staff, our Board members, guest artists, patrons, or anyone else.
We expect Iron Crow Theatre staff, volunteers, Board members, and guest artists to identify themselves by name, and, if applicable, their role at Iron Crow Theatre, when they comment on Iron Crow Theatre’s social media accounts or use an Iron Crow Theatre social media account's direct message system. If they neglect to do so, which could happen unintentionally, you may always ask with whom you are corresponding.
If you have a concern, complaint, or other feedback related to our social media presence that you would like us to address, please contact us directly. We believe it is difficult to address most concerns appropriately and sensitively via social media platforms, so we ask that you reach out to us directly to resolve issues as they arise. We are happy to hear your feedback through Facebook messages, email, or in person.